Family focused laboratory meetings and seminars that aims to support parents and familys in living sustainable and healthy. All families are different, and there is no ready-made template that tells you how to become a healthy family. Contradictions and conflicts are a common dilemma when family roles are changing and no longer determined in advance. It is therefore up to eachindividual family to decide how they wish to function as a family.

Based in the evidence based method COPE (Community Parent Education) will we discuss and learn ways of handling behaviour problems in children like hyperactivity/impulsivity) and other challenges that can arise. We will meet online during 12 sessions that lasts around 2 hours and investigates further how you want your parenthood and family to work.

Some themes are:

• Setting boundarys
• Reduction of fighting and challenging behaviour
• Conflict management and problem solving
• Joint planning

• Children and young people's self-esteem

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for more info. 

PRICE: 2200 SEK or 220 EUR

REGISTRATION: Email louise@loveleearth.com


  • Cunningham, C. E., Bremner, R., & Boyle, M. (1995). Large group community-based parenting programs for families of preschoolers at risk for disruptive behaviour disorders. Utilization, cost effectiveness, and outcome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 1141–59.

  • Thorell, L.B., & Hellström, A. (2006). COPE Föräldrautbildning. Rapport från utvärderingen av kurser i Uppsala län och Tyresö kommun. Uppsala: Institutionen för psykologi, Uppsala universitet.

  • Thorell, L.B. (2009). The Community parent education program (COPE): Treatment effects in a clinical and a community-based sample. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 14, 373–87.

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