Find your inner strength

DISA is an evidence based method based in cognitive behavioral therapy (KBT) that has been used in Sweden and the US in order to help teenagers and young adults to feel better. Together in a group with others you will learn different techniques in order to improve your quality of life and help prevent depression. We will meet online or physically during 12 sessions that lasts around 2 hours. Recommended from around 12 years of age and up to adults. In swedish or english.

Some themes we will work with:

• Strategies to solve different problems.
• Self-esteem
• Stressreduction

• Emotions and how they impact us

• What is positive thinking?
• Learn what makes you feel good and do more of it.

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for more info.

PRICE: 2200 SEK or 220 EUR


  • Treutiger, B. M., Hjelmstedt, A., & Vårdlärare, L. (2006). Utvärdering av effekten av programmet DISA (Depression in Swedish Adolescents) med syfte att förebygga depressiva symtom hos tonårsflickor Evaluation of the DISA-program (Depression in Swedish Adolescents) to prevent depressive symptoms among female. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för Kvinnors och Barns hälsa, Enheten för reproduktiv och perinatal omvårdnad. https://plus.rjl.se/info_files/infosida32762/Utvardering_DISA.pdf  

Let's work together!