The Mindful School

Education and Consulting



DISA- Find your inner strength

DISA is an evidence based method in cognitive behavioral therapy (KBT) that has been used in Sweden and the US in order to help teenagers and young adults to feel better. Together in a group with others you will learn different techniques in order to improve your quality of life and help prevent depression. We will meet online or physically during 12 sessions that lasts around 2 hours. Recommended from around 12 years of age and up to adults. In swedish or english.

Some themes we will work with:

• Strategies to solve different problems.
• Self-esteem
• Stressreduction

• Emotions and how they impact us

• What is positive thinking?
• Learn what makes you feel good and do more of it.

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for more info. 

PRICE: 2200 SEK or 220 EUR

REGISTRATION: Email louise@the-mindful-school.com  


Grief Recovery

Discover the path to healing through transformative meetings that help you to overcome grief and deal with loss. Grief is often overlooked and misunderstood, but at the same time it is a natural emotional reaction. Yet our society seems to lack the ability to support individuals in this condition, which leads to many getting stuck in unresolved grief.

Losses come in many forms – from separations and illnesses to loss of financial assets and career, shattered dreams, and unfulfilled expectations. Regardless of the trigger, grief can manifest in a variety of ways through numbness, mood swings, sleep disturbances, self-harm, substance abuse, illness, and more. Don't let sadness hold you back anymore. Join us on the journey home to your true self where healing takes place so you can reclaim your life with joy, gratitude and hope. We will meet during 8 sessions that last around 1 hour. 

Some themes are:

  • Understandning grief
  • Understanding your story
  • Reframing your story
  • Finding gratefulness and joy
  • Self compassion
  • Self care

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for more info. 

PRICE: 2200 SEK or 220 EUR

REGISTRATION: Email louise@the-mindful-school.com  



Mindful parenting

Family focused laboratory meetings and seminars that aim to support parents and families in living sustainable and healthy. All families are different, and there is no ready-made template that tells you how to become a healthy family. Contradictions and conflicts are a common dilemma when family roles are changing and no longer determined in advance. It is therefore up to each individual family to decide how they wish to function as a family.

With use of the evidence-based method COPE (Community Parent Education) we will discuss and learn ways of handling behavioral problems in children (like hyperactivity/impulsivity) and other challenges that can arise. We will meet online during 12 sessions that last around 2 hours and investigate further how you want your parenthood and family to work.

Some themes are:

  • Setting boundaries
  • Reduction of fighting and challenging behavior
  • Conflict management and problem solving
  • Joint planning
  • Children and young people's self-esteem

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for more info. 

PRICE: 2200 SEK or 220 EUR

REGISTRATION: Email louise@the-mindful-school.com  



Active Mindful coaching

Based on Motivational Interviewing (MI) we will together  examine how you feel in your life, what you want to change and in what way. We do this while performing a physical activity of some kind that suits you.

MI is a collaboratively grounded person-centered form of guidance to  strengthen motivation for change in a cooperative way instead of using authority.  Autonomy and self-governance is the key together with empathic understanding of the client's frame of reference. 

Some themes we will work with: 

• Integrity

• Authenticity
• Responsibility
• Equivalence

• Healthy lifestylechoices

• Mindfulness

• Guided pedagogical breathing

WHEN: Contact louise@the-mindful-school.com for booking a session. 

PRICE: 850 SEK/hour or 85 EUR/hour. 

REGISTRATION: Email louise@the-mindful-school.com


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Lets get in touch!